History of Molon Labe
Molon labe (Greek: ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ), meaning "come and take them", is a classical expression of defiance. Two simple, little words. But with these two words, two concepts were verbalized and have lived for nearly two and a half Millennia. They signify and characterize both the heart of the Warrior, and the indomitable spirit of mankind. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, when the Persian armies demanded that the Spartans and Greeks lay down their arms and surrender at the Battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas I responded with this phrase.
This was at the onset of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC). The forces of the Persian Empire under King Xerxes, numbering, according to Herodotus, two million men, bridged the Hellespont and marched in their myriads to invade and enslave Greece. 300 Spartans, led by King Leonidas of Sparta with soldiers from Thespiae and Thebes agreed to help stop the invading Persians, and marched with hand-picked troops to Thermopylae on the north coast of Greece.
When Leonidas was preparing to make his stand, a Persian envoy arrived. The envoy explained to Leonidas the futility of trying to resist the advance of the huge Persian army and demanded that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas told Xerxes "MOLON LABE", or "Come And Get Them."
The Spartans and Greeks held Thermopylae for three days. Although the Spartan and Greek contingent was defeated, they inflicted serious damage on the Persian army. Most importantly, this delayed the Persians' progress to Athens, providing sufficient time for the city's evacuation to the island of Salamis. Though a tactical defeat, Thermopylae served as a strategic and moral victory, inspiring the Greek forces to crush the Persians at the Battle of Salamis later the same year and the Battle of Plataea one year later, in turn preserving the beginnings of Western democracy and freedom from perishing in the cradle.
Modern Usage of Molon Labe
These words live on today as the most notable quote in military history. And so began the classic example of courage and valor in its dismissal of overwhelming superiority of numbers, wherein the heart and spirit of brave men overcame insuperable odds. Molon labe has been repeated by many later generals and politicians in order to express an army's or nation's determination not to surrender. The motto ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ is on the emblem of the Greek First Army Corps and the Cypriot Second Infantry Division, and is also the motto of United States Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT). The expression "Come and take it" was a slogan in the Texas Revolution.
In the United States of America, both the original Greek phrase and its English translation are often heard from pro-Second Amendment activists as a defense of the right to keep and bear arms. It began to appear in popular culture in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In the Second Amendment or firearms freedom context, the

phrase expresses the notion that the person uttering the phrase is a strong believer in these ideals and will not surrender their firearms to anyone, especially to governmental authority. Even in football, the Michigan State Spartans football team has worn alternate jerseys featuring the phrase Molon Labe.
Many have adopted this defiant utterance as a battle cry in the fight against oppression because it expresses so clearly and simply feelings towards those who would take arms. It signifies the determination to not strike the first blow, but also to not stand mute and allow loved ones, and all that is believe in and stood for, to be trampled by men who would deprive rights to suit their own ends.
The Molon Labe Ring

The creation of the Molon Labe Rings stems from the both the historical nature of the phrase's meaning while supporting the modern era's belief in our right to bear arms. Whether it's recreation, professional or for protection, we need to support our Constitutional Second Amendment Right. The Molon Labe Rings are a reflection of this passionate support that many hold dear. Three Percenters, Gun Advocacy and 2nd Amendment Supporters, Military and Veterans, Law Enforcement, Greek Descendants and Spartan Historical Buffs are just some of the enthusiastic customers of the Molon Labe Rings.
The ring was designed with input from many, taking over 6 months to realize its current beauty and completeness. Molon Labe Rings consist of four individual pieces carefully crafted from molds and brought together
as one final stunning piece custom to each client's sizing. Crafted with the Spartan helmet on the face, bordered by swords one side depicts the Spartan shield and sword and the opposite the Molon Labe logo. Finally, it is finished off with the III Percenter logo on the inside.